Simply because a selfie or empty profile space is not going to cut it. We are in an online society. Zoom meetings, LinkedIn, Instagram... Your work is likely connected to the online world in a variety of ways, and when you are communicating online you need to present the absolute best version of yourself.
If you don't already have one - then NOW is the time!
Have you chopped your long hair into a pixie cut? Time for a new Headshot!
Used to be brunette but now you are enjoying your natural grey?
A) You are a Rockstar! and B) Time for a new Headshot!
Already have a shot but it's five years old?
Even if your name is Paul Rudd and you've discovered the fountain of youth - it's time for a new professional Headshot!
Using a headshot that was taken more than five years ago?
Go directly to Online Booking. Do not pass Go. Do not Collect $200.
You are not alone. Almost every single person who walks into my studio tells me the same thing. "I hate having my picture taken". And I understand. Believe me, I understand!
That's why I don't want you taking a selfie to represent yourself online. I want to give you the best lighting possible so that you will look your absolute best! I am going to do everything I can to make you feel as comfortable as possible and as crazy at it sounds- you might even ENJOY your time in front of the camera!
Copyright © 2025 Vanessa Burns Photography - All Rights Reserved.